初中英语|应对网络犯罪 Deal With Cyber Crimes
  →作文|With the popularity of Internet, cyber crimes are a serious problem, people’s computer will be easily attacked, because cybe…〔12-30〕

大学英语|小小明星 The Little Stars
  →作文|Today, as the media are so developed, people get famous much easier than before. As the celebrities, they earn much money, thus ma…〔12-26〕

初中英语|亚健康的起因 The Cause of Sub-health
  →作文|Nowadays, as people’s live standard is much better than before, people no longer struggle for hunger, but the new problem co…〔12-23〕

初中英语|绿色食品 Green Food
  →作文|Nowadays, people pay great attention to the healthy diet, they want to keep healthy and can do a lot of things. Green food has bec…〔12-22〕

高中英语|何如救人 How to Save People
  →作文|When we are small, the teacher told us that we should help others, offering help to someone who is in need of help is Chinese trad…〔12-18〕

大学英语|被骗的经历 The Experience of Being Cheated
  →作文|Today, as the media develop so fast, people can have access to all kinds of message, they can get the message through the phone, t…〔12-17〕

高中英语|网络语言 Internet Language
  →作文|The language develops as the media become various, many years ago, people used the language that was very formal, because most ora…〔12-17〕

初中英语|创新 Creativities
  →作文|I love to see the TV show about choosing the people in singing, many years ago, when I was in high school, I would open the TV and…〔12-14〕

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