小学英语|向雷锋学习 To Learn From Lei Feng
  →作文|When I go to school, my teacher tells me to learn from a good boy, his name is Lei Feng. He likes to help people do a lot of thing…〔06-11〕

高中英语|中国人应该庆祝西方节日吗?Should Chinese Celebrate Western Festivals?
  →作文|Today, more and more young people are crazy about western festivals. When western festivals come, they usually go to restaurants o…〔06-10〕

初中英语|即将到来的世界杯 The Coming of The World Cup
  →作文|December 9th is World Football Day, it reminds people of the coming of the World Cup. Football is popular all around the world, in…〔06-10〕

大学英语|非法狩猎与物种灭绝 Illegal Hunting and Extinction of Species
  →作文|With the steady growth of people’s living standard, I’m mournful to see that more and more species is on the way to ex…〔06-04〕

高中英语|网上购物还是传统购物? Shopping Online vs Traditional shopping?
  →作文|Which is better, shopping online or traditional shopping? Different people have different attitudes towards it. Some people think…〔06-04〕

初中英语|如何成为一个成功的英语演讲者How to be a Successful English Speaker
  →作文|English is more and more popular among people. But there are many people can write English well, while couldn’t speak Englis…〔06-04〕

大学英语|学生评价老师 Students’ Evaluation of Teachers
  →作文|Many years ago, there is no way for students to evaluate teachers, for people treat the teachers in a high level, students are in…〔06-03〕

高中英语|邮件诈骗  Email Fraud
  →作文|As the development of technology, today people keep in touch with each other not only by cell phone, but also through email. ...…〔05-30〕

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