→大学|《简爱》读后感 读书感想 Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in B…〔12-19〕
→考研|爱情与金钱(Love or money) Just now I read an article named For Love or For Money? I think that there is a deep truth in it. The story m…〔12-18〕
→大学|如果我是一个百万富翁 if i was a millionaire If I Was A Millionaire Someone once said that if you were to make a list of your 10 closest frie…〔12-17〕
→大学|谈谈你对支教现象的看法(Aid Education in China) 有关大学生去西部支教的英语作文 谈谈你对支教现象的看法: 1、支教的现象 2、支教的意义 3、你的看法 Aid Education in China Nowadays, one pheno…〔12-17〕
→考研|英语作文对钱的看法,并提取其中的关键句型,活用到你的作文中去,就可以获得高分!atttitudes to money if i was a millioner My View on Money 我对金钱的态度 Directions: You are allow…〔12-17〕
→高中|Mobile Phone 手机 mobile phone Mobile Phone 手机 mobile phoneAs can be seen from the charts more and more people own mobile phones in…〔12-15〕
→大学|Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mobile Phone 手机的利与弊 无论你在何地,你都会看见许多人使用手机。如今,世界似乎越来越小了,只要你带部手机出门,你都会被找到。有些人认为手机对他们来说是非常有用的必需品;而有…〔12-15〕