大学英语|宿舍和公寓 Dormitory and Department
  →作文|When students go to college, they have to live in the dormitory which often holds four students. As most students never stay away…〔04-24〕

初中英语|我的搭档 My Partner
  →作文|I have a partner, his name is Li Ming, I knew him when I was seven years old. He lives near my house, so we play together all the…〔04-20〕

初中英语|我喜爱的明星 My Favorite Star
  →作文|When I was five years old, my father asked me to watch football matches with him. Since then, I fall in love with football, the sh…〔04-12〕

初中英语|我可爱的爷爷 My Lovely Grandpa
  →作文|I have a grandpa, he is nearly 70 years old, it sounds old for him, but in his heart, he is really young. ...…〔04-09〕

小学英语|我爱阳光 I Love Sunshine
  →作文|In North, when winter comes, the weather is very cold, the cloud covers the sunshine all the time, it is hard for people to see th…〔04-07〕

初中英语|做一个好孩子 Be a Good Child
  →作文|I am ten years old now, I study in a middle school, I am not a little girl any more, I know I should learn to grow up, I want to b…〔03-23〕

初中英语|我长大了 I Have Grown Up
  →作文|The new year is coming, it means that I am older, I am not the little girl any more, I must make something different from the old…〔03-21〕

小学英语|我最喜欢的水果 My Favorite Fruit
  →作文|When I was small, my mother told me that apple was good for my health, because it contained so many vitamins. Since then, I almost…〔03-05〕

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