大学英语|我们应该扼杀 “枪手”么?Should We Kill the “Gunners”?
  →作文|I guess everyone are familiar with the meaning of the word gunner in China, it doesn’t mean one who are with a gun anymore,…〔01-15〕

小学英语|买菜经历The Experience of Buying Food
  →作文|One day, my mother is busying making dinner, she asks me to buy some tomatoes, because she is lack of it and she can’t walk…〔01-15〕

大学英语|加拿大文学的崛起The Rise of Canadian Literature
  →作文|About two months ago, it has been announced that this year’s winner of Nobel Prize in literature was Alice Munro, she is fro…〔01-14〕

大学英语|手机依赖症Dependency on Cell Phone
  →作文|Cell phone seems to be one of the most important inventions of 20 century. Using cell phones to surf the Internet has become quite…〔01-14〕

大学英语|写信还是打电话   By Letter or Phone to Communicate with Others
  →作文|As phones are spreading into everywhere in our life, we use it quite often to contact our acquainted people. Less people would lik…〔01-13〕

大学英语|向网络暴力说不Say No to Cyber-violence
  →作文|According to a survey data, China had 564 million Internet users and 70% of them are under 40. And the average time they spend on…〔01-13〕

大学英语|理想与现实的冲突The Conflict Between Idealism and Realism
  →作文|We all have many dreams, we want to travel around the world, have a taste of all kinds of food, be an engineer and so on. We are s…〔01-13〕

大学英语|越南新娘走红时Vietnamese Bride is Popping Up
  →作文|Currently there is a widespread concern on Vietnamese bride. With the increasing number of Chinese single male, more and more bach…〔01-13〕

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