大学英语|非法狩猎与物种灭绝 Illegal Hunting and Extinction of Species
  →作文|With the steady growth of people’s living standard, I’m mournful to see that more and more species is on the way to ex…〔06-04〕

初中英语|如何成为一个成功的英语演讲者How to be a Successful English Speaker
  →作文|English is more and more popular among people. But there are many people can write English well, while couldn’t speak Englis…〔06-04〕

高中英语|英语不再重要? Is English Not Important Any More?
  →作文|Recently, the Ministry of Education has drafted a reform about English, it is said that English will be not the subject that take…〔06-03〕

高中英语|关于人才流失 The Brain Drain
  →作文|We all know that it is not easy to find a suitable work in the present society. But at the same time, more and more companies say…〔05-30〕

初中英语|如何挑选电脑? How to Pick Computer?
  →作文|Computer is more and more common in our life. Buying a computer is something happens every day. How to pick? Is it the more expens…〔05-30〕

  →句子|That's why more and more people are becoming active in various kinds of sports and exercises.这就是为什么越来越多的人正积极地参加体育锻炼的原因。 ...…〔05-28〕

大学英语|兼职之我见 My view on part-time jobs
  →作文|Some people say that college students should take up part-time jobs because they have much more free time than in the high school.…〔05-28〕

大学英语|汶川地震哀悼日 Wenchuan Earthquake Mourning Day
  →作文|On May 12, 2008, there was an earthquake happened in Wenchuan, Sichuan province. More than 69000 people had lost their lives, 3746…〔05-27〕

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