小学英语|关于准时 About Punctuality
  →作文|When I have a date with my friends, I will always come the place earlier, I don’t like to be late. But I find many of my fri…〔09-30〕

大学英语|我对网络用语的看法 My View on Internet Slangs
  →作文|As the development of Internet, people like to use computer to do many things, we can say that computer has been part of our life.…〔09-23〕

大学英语|军训是必要的 Military Training Is Necessary
  →作文|When September comes, it means the new semester begins. Many freshmen come to the campus and the first thing they do is to get the…〔09-21〕

高中英语|新的突破 The New Break Through
  →作文|It is known to all that track and field is dominated by black men, they run so fast and win many championships. Asian people can&r…〔09-16〕

初中英语|《童话镇》 Once Upon a Time
  →作文|Recently, I was attracted by the American TV series, it called Once Upon a Time. It tells many typical fairy tales happen in a mod…〔09-12〕

大学英语|我的国庆节计划 My Plan on National Day
  →作文|When National Day comes, I Feel so excited, it is not because I will have a vacation, but also I have many plans. I have made some…〔08-28〕

小学英语|我的小小世界 My Little World
  →作文|I have my little world, it is my bedroom. I decorate my bedroom with pink wall, on the wall, I paste so many lovely pictures. Ther…〔08-26〕

高中英语|高考记忆 The Memory About College Entrance Exam
  →作文|The college entrance exam is a big exam for students, they have learned so many years for the purpose of entering the college. For…〔08-17〕

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