小学英语|我房间的颜色The Colours of My Room
  →作文|There are many colours in my room. My room is colourful, I like my room very much....…〔02-28〕

大学英语|开放式还是封闭式住宅小区?Open Housing Estates Or Closed Ones?
  →作文|Recently the government released a file about the suggestions on the city planning management which suggested that to stop buildin…〔02-26〕

初中英语|犯错误Making Mistake
  →作文|In people’s life, they will face many difficulties, most people can conquer those hard times and keep moving on....…〔02-24〕

大学英语|电视节目的题材The Theme of TV Show
  →作文|But we must have to admit that our country’s TV shows are lack of creativity, many shows are almost the same, the copyrights…〔02-19〕

高中英语|坚强的歌手The Tough Singer
  →作文|Many of her new songs won the awards, which are the best inspiration for her. Britney is a tough person, she continues to surprise…〔02-18〕

高中英语|二孩政策The Second Child Policy
  →作文|Since the policy of one child policy carried on, many families raised only a kid. When the children grew up, they felt lonely, bec…〔02-17〕

大学英语|那些疯狂的日子Those Crazy Days
  →作文|Going to the college is the most important thing for the students, because they have worked so many years to realize this dream. W…〔02-12〕

小学英语|我的同桌My Deskmate
  →作文|I have a deskmate, her name is Xiao Li. We met each other when the semester began. Xiao Li is a nice girl, she helps me with many…〔02-08〕

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