→范文|Where Did the Bird Fly? The thin line shows you where the bird flew. It flew in front of the first tree. Then it flew between the…〔12-24〕
→作文|Looking for Mum e day Li Ming caught a little bird. He tied it with a piece of thread and played with it happily. At that time, he…〔12-24〕
→作文|A Dream A dream is to a man what wings are to a bird. With a dream in the deep heart's core, a man is spontaneously driven to hitc…〔12-24〕
→原创|小学生初中生往这里看-泰山景点介绍: 那是秋天的一天,下着小雨。我和同学们开始登泰山。到了半山腰,有的人累得不想再爬了,他们建议回去。可我不想半途而废,就极力坚持往上爬,最后我们终于爬上山顶,如愿以偿。 It was a drizzly day in autu…〔12-22〕
→考研|大作文 模板一:图画作文 This illustration depicts_________ Ving, with______________. Recently it has become common for people in many walks o…〔12-21〕
→范文|Why Are Bicycles So Commonly Used Why Are Bicycles So Commonly Used in China Bicycle is a convinient means of transporation. It ha…〔12-19〕
→作文|Viewing vs.Reading The pace of reading, clearly,depends entirely upon the reader. He may read as slowly or as rapidly as he can or…〔12-18〕