→作文|At the same time, the new university greatly expanded in size and course offerings, breaking completely out of the old, constricte…〔04-18〕
→范文|severe , but even a family, no. Many or old man, we don't take care of their heart, how can pass? Hence, we understand why a name…〔04-16〕
→高中|词(speech in reply to host's welcome)是主人在欢迎会上致过欢迎词后,客人为了表示对主人的感谢而讲的话。这种致词要写得充满深情,表现出谦虚好学的态度。…〔04-15〕
→美文|can they relieve( 减轻 ) pains in their children s heart so easily? We can say beating hurts both children and parents. It is absolu…〔04-14〕
→作文|homes. Especially, they are worried that they will be scolded if the teachers tell the parents their mistakes at school. I think t…〔04-11〕
→时尚|维他命E Supplements Treatments for wow gold severe e usually involve regulating the hormones and increasing the intake of specific vi…〔04-09〕
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→大学|Putting On Weight Being too thin presents its own problems if you are a man.We all naturally want to have a great bodies with musc…〔04-09〕
→美文|gave a long lecture until he believed he had explained everything thoroughly. The atory amuaed me. While we wen having dumphngs at…〔04-09〕