→美文|消了春晚,那我们就会觉得似乎失去了一些无形的东西。 For example, we didn't put something in our heart in the ordinary life,but if we lost it, we found somet…〔03-02〕
→作文|Four men were gambling in a hotel.Soon three of them lost their money and the man in black trousers was so angry that he killed th…〔02-09〕
→美文|These days I don't feel quite well.I have lost my appetite for any food.During the day I often feel dizzy,and at night I suffer fr…〔02-03〕
→美文|I should say the person I know most thoroughly is myself.Since I was born,I have never lost sight of myself for a single moment.So…〔01-27〕
外国→美文|A man was crossing the river when he accidentally dropped his sword into the river. Immediately he made a mark on the boat where t…〔01-15〕
→作文|Time,time Lost time is never found again. This is something which I learned very clearly last semester. I spent so much time fooli…〔12-27〕
→中考| I have a friend who is falling in love. She honestly claims the sky is bluer. Mozart moves her to tears. She has lost 15 pounds a…〔11-12〕