小学英语|我最喜爱的音乐 My Favorite Music
  →作文|Before I go to sleep, I like to listen to soft music, it can help me relax and have a good dream. My mother tells me that before I…〔08-12〕

高中英语|穹顶之下 Under the Dome
  →作文|Recently, a journalist who used to work in CCTV has made a record about the environment, the record called Under the Dome, it is a…〔05-19〕

小学英语|我最喜欢的歌手 My Favorite Singer
  →作文|I like to listen to music so much, because music can smooth my mood. My favorite singer is Leehom Wang. He is not only very handso…〔05-13〕

初中英语|聆听父母 Listen to the Parents
  →作文|My parents always say that I am not listening to their words, and then I will answer back that I have listened to their words. Act…〔05-09〕

小学英语|买东西 Go Shopping
  →作文|Today my mom is busy, she asked me to go shopping for her. She gave me a shopping list and money. I went to the supermarket, bough…〔04-21〕

大学英语|成为一个专才还是通才To Become a Specialist or a Generalist
  →作文|becoming a specialist means we master a skill, but becoming a generalist can complete a person and help him to be a better one. ..…〔03-16〕

大学英语|免费下载音乐Download Music For Free
  →作文|I support for the free music, the musician can also gain fame if more people listen to their music. ...…〔03-12〕

高中英语|和平的生活 Peaceful Life
  →作文|When I was very small, my grandpa liked to tell me his tough year and I liked to listen to him. At that time, wars were everywhere…〔09-14〕

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