大学英语|我对克隆的看法 My Opinion On Cloning
  →作文|Nowadays, the controversial issue of cloning has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public. It’s quit…〔06-27〕

大学英语|我们应该反对家暴 We Should Against Domestic Violence
  →作文|Li Yang, we know him as the founder of Crazy English, he was in the limelight few years ago, but now he is jump into the public ey…〔03-25〕

初中英语|Lady Gaga的时尚启示The Enlightenment of The Fashion From Lady Gaga
  →作文|Almost every guy knows Lady Gaga, a lot of teenagers adore her so much, they follow what the girl does, imitates what she wears. L…〔01-22〕

大学英语|一路绿灯 Green Light All The Way
  →作文|There is a tendency in our society that parents prefer to say “yes” to their children’s request. Do you think it…〔12-19〕

大学英语|真人版斗鸡 Live-action cockfighting
  →作文|Recently, a wrestle game has been in the limelight, because it is a kid wrestle. Lots of children had sent to the training center…〔11-21〕

大学英语|是否应该禁止燃放烟花炮竹 Should Fireworks and Crackers be banned?
  →作文|For recent years, most cities in China are not allowed to light fireworks and crackers during New Year. Some people think this is…〔10-14〕

大学英语|我们应该赞成休学去旅行吗?Should we Approve of Suspension of Schooling for Travel?
  →作文|We like travel because we like to move around, and enjoy the feelings of freedom. We are very delightful to get rid of the girdle,…〔08-23〕

大学英语|人生如登山Life is like Climbing Mountains
  →作文|When a baby opens her eyes, the first glow of sunlight shines upon her face, and her life begins with a cry.当婴儿睁开眼睛,阳光照在她脸上的第一道光的时…〔08-09〕

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