大学英语|放松的方式The Ways to Relax
  →作文|I will have some annoyance, it is about my study and some pressure from life. When I face the annoyance, I will be very upset and…〔02-21〕

小学英语|饭后散步Walk After Dinner
  →作文|When I finish the dinner, my parents and I will take a walk, because it is the healthy lifestyle. ...…〔02-20〕

大学英语|来自姚明的影响The Influence From Yao Ming
  →作文|Yao Ming, the name won’t be forgotten by the world, though he is retired. Now Yao has opened the new chapter of his life, he…〔02-14〕

小学英语|如果生命重来 If Life Comes Back Again
  →作文|When people feel frustrated, they will want to change their lives and wish to have another choice. As for me, no matter how bad I…〔01-16〕

高中英语|高中生活的挑战 The Challenges in High School
  →作文|The first day for me to go to high school, I felt so excited, because I came into the new stage of my life. The school asked the s…〔01-14〕

大学英语|工作和玩耍 Work and Play
  →作文|Work and play is an eternal topic for human being, people work so hard all the time, they need to improve their life level by work…〔01-06〕

英语作文范文|生活阅历 Life Experience
  →范文|In my eye, my father is so adorable, because he can give me advices and help me to make the best decision. My father experienced a…〔12-19〕

大学英语|我对婚前财产协议的看法 My View on the Property Agreement Before Marriage
  →作文|When the couple gets married, traditionally, they will buy a house and prepare for their future life. Nowadays, as more and more p…〔11-21〕

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