小学英语|小红帽 Little Red
  →作文|Once, my mother tells me about a story about a girl named Little Red. The girl’s grandma is eaten by a big wolf and the girl…〔01-11〕

大学英语|网上学习 Study Online
  →作文|Nowadays, with the development of technology, people can do a lot of things through computers. Some people can work at home becaus…〔01-08〕

高中英语|烦恼的青春期 Troubled Adolescent
  →作文|High school students have come into a sensitive stage, their bodies grow so fast and their minds have to keep up with the change.…〔01-07〕

大学英语|工作和玩耍 Work and Play
  →作文|Work and play is an eternal topic for human being, people work so hard all the time, they need to improve their life level by work…〔01-06〕

初中英语|失败也是成功 Failure Is Success
  →作文|Everybody is afraid of failure, because it means what they do is useless and they waste their energy and time. But people get the…〔01-05〕

大学英语|直播秀 The Live Show
  →作文|Many people like to watch the live show nowadays, every night, they will stay at home and watch the competition, the song competit…〔01-03〕

高中英语|我的英语学习方法 My English Learning Method
  →作文|I like English. I think I can share my English learning method with you. First of all, develop interest on English. My way to make…〔12-29〕

大学英语|瞌睡的大学生 Sleepy College Students
  →作文|When students enter college, it is natural for them to relax, because they have went across the important stage and start to open…〔12-27〕

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