初中英语|春晚Spring Festival Gala
  →作文|On the New Year’s Eve, after finishing the dinner, for most Chinese people, they will sit at home, watching the Spring Festi…〔02-16〕

初中英语|克服社交恐惧症Overcoming Social Phobia
  →作文|We live in a world that surrounded by people, we need to communicate with others, for the purpose of share our emotions and keep s…〔02-15〕

英语作文范文|我们还应该捐钱吗?Should We Donate Money?
  →范文|Today when people talk about Red Cross Organization, they shake their heads and don’t trust this organization. People react…〔02-13〕

大学英语|我的信念 My Faith
  →作文|Faith is very important. Everybody needs faith because faith is just like the light, leading people to move on when they are in th…〔02-13〕

大学英语|那些疯狂的日子Those Crazy Days
  →作文|Going to the college is the most important thing for the students, because they have worked so many years to realize this dream. W…〔02-12〕

高中英语|独生子女政策One-child Family Plan
  →作文|In Chinese tradition, people believe that the more children, the better, because having more children means owning the luck, so pe…〔02-12〕

小学英语|干净的街道The Clean Street
  →作文|Today, when I walk on the street after school, I find the street is very clean, it is very different from usual days. I am so curi…〔02-12〕

大学英语|选修课的优势The Advantages of Elective Courses
  →作文|In college, we will have some elective courses, some students think these courses are distracting and time-consuming, so it is not…〔02-11〕

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