高中英语|文明旅游 Behaved Tourism
  →作文|When holiday comes, thousands of people pour into the tourist sites, they want to relax themselves and enjoy the beautiful scenery…〔12-16〕

  →英语|The Beginning of Drama There are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece. The on most widely accepted today i…〔12-01〕

英语美文|是你点燃了我的生命 You Light Up My Life
  →美文|Be good to everyone who becomes attached to us; cherish every friend who is by our side;...…〔11-26〕

小学英语|新发型 The New Hairstyle
  →作文|I always want to change my hairstyle, because I want to look as my idols image, but i dons have the courage to do it. At…〔11-06〕

大学英语|你觉得自己丑吗?Do You Think You Are Ugly?
  →作文|Today, people play the joke that it is the age of looking at the face, which means appearance decides everything. Some people are…〔10-25〕

高中英语|当我们身处国外 When We Are In Foreign Countries
  →作文|Recently, I saw a video, it was about how the foreigners thought about Chinese tourists. As Chinese economy develops fast, the lif…〔10-24〕

初中英语|一个好的聆听者 A Good Listener
  →作文|I have a good friend, her name is Li Hua. We met each other when I came to middle school. We are not in the same class, but we joi…〔10-19〕

初中英语|一次愉快的合作  A Happy Cooperation
  →作文|I like teamwork because I can learn from others. Once, I was very shy and did not know how to get along with other students, so ev…〔10-18〕

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