大学英语|反校园欺凌|Anti-bully In Campus
  当代→作文|总有一些高大的家伙试图控制局势,因此他们欺负别人。这样的行为受到了公众谴责。总是扮演坏人角色的那些人实际上有着软弱的心。反校园暴力的活动需要大家彼此关爱。The show British Got Talented is very popular around the world, it is the original sh…〔05-27〕

高中英语|加州旅馆Hotel California
  →作文|The song Hotel California is a super classic song...…〔03-04〕

大学英语|足球改革Football Reform
  →作文|Since the president Xi Jinping took office, the football reform had become a hot topic in China.自从习近平主席上台之后,足球改革变成了一个热门话题。...…〔02-27〕

高中英语|真正的青春 The Real Youth
  →作文|Many years ago, the movie about the youth became very popular, every year, we can see many hot movies about the protagonist’…〔01-01〕

高中英语|育儿之道 The Way to Educate Kids
  →作文|As the TV show Where Are You Going, Dad becomes the hottest topic in the whole summer, the way of how the father educate their chi…〔11-24〕

高中英语|我爱吃火锅 I Like Hotpot
  →作文|Every time when I go out with my friends for food, I will think about hotpot first. Hotpot is my favorite food, I like the heat an…〔11-12〕

初中英语|侏罗纪公园 Jurassic Park
  →作文|This summer, the hottest movie must belong to the Jurassic Park. The series of Jurassic Park is very popular around the world. Whe…〔09-08〕

小学英语|与雨共舞 Dance With the Rain
  →作文|When the summer comes, the weather is so hot, it is rarely to see the rain. Today, when I wake up, I find the weather is chilly, i…〔08-18〕

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