高中英语|微笑是两个人之间最短的距离A smile is the Shortest Distance Between two People
  →作文|As there are a lot of languages in the world, it will make lots of difficulties when we communicate with people from other countri…〔11-21〕

大学英语|宿舍保持和谐关系的最佳方法The Best way to Keep a Harmonious Relationship in the Dormitory
  →作文|There is no doubt that it is very important to keep a harmonious relationship with our roommates since we spend most of time in th…〔11-19〕

小学英语|我的星期天My Weekend
  →作文|On the weekend, I don’t have class, I feel so happy. I always wake up in the morning at about eight o’clock, my mother…〔11-18〕

大学英语|魔术的秘密该揭穿么?Should the Secrets Behind Magic be Disclosed?
  →作文|With a fascination with magic for centuries, there is a heated debate about the disclosure of magic recently. Some people thirst f…〔11-15〕

大学英语|大学教育的目标The Goal of University Education
  →作文|According to many people, university is a springboard towards better jobs or higher salaries, and their only goal of university ed…〔11-14〕

大学英语|珍惜每一分钟Treasure Every Minute
  →作文|Do you know how many minutes are there in a year? Have you ever wondering how many minutes in a year? The answer is five hundred t…〔11-13〕

高中英语|升学酒 A Celebration for Entering a Higher School
  →作文|In my hometown, there is a tradition that we will hold a celebration party when we enter a higher school. This summer I will go to…〔11-12〕

大学英语|我的教师素质观My Teacher Quality View
  →作文|As we all know since we were a kid, teacher is a sacred profession, and there is a holiday to celebrate teacher, on the day, stude…〔11-11〕

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