→作文|It is well known that the topic that whether we should help strangers when they get into trouble has attracted many persons' atten…〔12-20〕
→作文|There is a tendency in our society that parents prefer to say “yes” to their children’s request. Do you think it…〔12-19〕
→作文|The freshmen of media department in Nanjing University recently received a rather alternative assignment: they are each other to o…〔12-19〕
→作文|With development of the society, the competition is more and more fierce. In order to be the back sheep in the competition, there…〔12-19〕
→作文|With the development of high technology, movie industry plays an important role in people’s life. With its emerging, there a…〔12-18〕
→作文|Years ago, china starts to have one-child policy. It has got a good effect since its execution. But recently, there is another voi…〔12-17〕
→作文|Our society is changing rapidly. Recently the issue of whether being a dink or not has been brought into focus. The dispute is mos…〔12-17〕
→作文|Recently, there is a new word occurs in our life. It is the dink. The dink is both two people for couples are having jobs, most of…〔12-17〕