初中英语|《爸爸去哪儿大电影》 Dad Where to Go
  →作文|A few days ago, I went to the theater watch the movie Dad Where To Go with my parents. It is really a good movie that I want to sh…〔05-07〕

大学英语|环境污染 Environmental Pollution
  →作文|As we all know, pollution is harmful to living beings. There are many different types of pollutions in this world. ...…〔05-06〕

高中英语|别让悲伤困住你 Don’ t have sadness haunt you
  →作文|There is no doubt that everyone will encounter sad things in all his life. However, faced with sadness, different people usually t…〔05-06〕

小学英语|我的母亲 My Mother
  →作文|My mother is 35 year old. She has long black hair and big eyes. She takes me to school every day. ...…〔05-06〕

初中英语|为什么超市受欢迎? Why the Supermarket is Popular?
  →作文|Today, the supermarket is being popular, people like to go to there shopping, before, people would choose to go shopping in the op…〔05-04〕

大学英语|五一国际劳动节 The International Worker’s Day
  →作文|The international workers’day, also known as May day, is celebrated on the first day on May. There are more than eighty coun…〔04-30〕

初中英语|分数并不等于知识 Score is not Equal to Knowledge
  →作文|“Score is not equal to knowledge,” my head teacher always keeps telling me this, because he wants us to master all the…〔04-29〕

小学英语|我最喜欢的老师 My favorite teacher
  →作文|My favorite teacher is Miss Li. She is my English teacher. She is very beautiful and warm-hearted. ...…〔04-29〕

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