初中英语|学生是否该做家务 Shoud Students Do the Housework
  →作文|According to the report that most children in the family don’t have to the housework, because their parents have done all th…〔10-15〕

高中英语|当我累了 When I Am Tired
  →作文|The high school life is never easy for me. On one hand, I have to learn so many subjects, for the purpose of entering a good unive…〔10-09〕

高中英语|成为一个有魅力的人 To Be An Attractive Person
  →作文|Many teenagers believe that chasing the fashion and act in the different way can make them the attractive person. They have the wr…〔10-03〕

小学英语|给妈妈的礼物 To Mother’s Gift
  →作文|Mother’s Day is a day for the children to show gratitude to their mothers. As a small kid, I don’t have much money, bu…〔09-26〕

高中英语|行动比想法有效 Action Is Better Than Thoughts
  →作文|I always have many thoughts in my mind, like I will finish my homework quickly and then go out for fun, but the truth is that I wi…〔09-20〕

小学英语|快乐的结局 The Happy Ending
  →作文|I like to read fairy tales and I have read a lot. In every fairy tale, there will be a good girl and a prince, the good girl alway…〔09-19〕

初中英语|快乐的暑假 The Happy Summer Vacation
  →作文|As September is coming soon, it means my summer vacation is over. Looking back at my long vacation, I have the good memories. I ha…〔09-14〕

小学英语|最好的爸爸 The Best Father
  →作文|Many of my classmates complain about their fathers, because they are busy all the time and barely have time to company them. But m…〔09-04〕

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