大学英语|传统中医Traditional Chinese Medicine
  →作文|Traditional Chinese Medicine is an indispensable part of Chinese culture. It has made great contributions to the prosperity of Chi…〔11-27〕

大学英语|人生中最痛苦的事The Greatest Pain in Life
  →作文|When it comes to the topic “What is the greatest pain in life?” People always take different views on that question.当谈…〔11-07〕

大学英语|高校该收取更高的学费吗?Should Universities Charge Higher Tuition Fees?
  →作文|Great changes have taken place since the reform and opening policy, especially the rapid growth of economy. The average of Chinese…〔10-30〕

大学英语|学习汉语的重要性The Importance of Learning Chinese
  →作文|In recent years, learning Chinese has aroused a great attention all over the world.And a new upsurge in learning Chinese is in the…〔10-25〕

大学英语|网络改变我们的生活    Internet Changes our Life
  →作文|With the widespread of Internet, people seem to depend on it greatly. Since we have Internet, our life changes a lot. Each day, we…〔10-24〕

大学英语|找工作和创业哪个好? It is Better to Find a Job or run a Business?
  →作文|In the new century, with the emergence of talent and less opportunity of social jobs, many college students face great employment…〔10-24〕

大学英语|用正确的方式关爱孩子Care for Children in a Right Way
  →作文|Recently, Hunan TV station play varieties show “Dad where we go” and the show has caused great sensation from public.…〔10-23〕

大学英语|在当代生活中应对压力的方法 My Idea of Coping with the Stress in Modern Life
  →作文|It is true that people in modern times experience great stress in their lives. However, as to the ways to cope with the stress, di…〔10-11〕

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