高中英语|驾驶证重要吗?Does Driving License Important?
  →作文|Today, there are so many people have cars because of the development of ecnomy. Unlike many years ago that car is too expensive to…〔03-18〕

大学英语|我们该鼓励农村孩子上大学么?Should We Encourage Rural Children to go to University?
  →作文|Recently, an opinion from a representative of NPC &CPPCC has aroused a heated discussion all over the country. He said we shou…〔03-17〕

高中英语|北京行程安排Travel Plan for Beijing
  →作文|I am going to Beijing. Although I haven’t set out, I have made my travel plan. There are five days for me to travel. But I o…〔03-17〕

高中英语|乡村教师Country Teacher
  →作文|In the 1990s, as the call of the government that teachers should go to the country to serve the people, there are more and more te…〔03-14〕

大学英语|高速路该收费么?Will You be Charged for Highways?
  →作文|In recent years, Chinese government pedestals a policy that citizens can drive on the highway for free during holidays. Some peopl…〔03-10〕

初中英语|一份特别的礼物 A Special Gift
  →作文|Not too long ago, I just celebrated my eleven-year-old birthday. I had a great time on that day. I received lots of gifts. All of…〔03-10〕

小学英语|我的周末生活My Weekend Life
  →作文|In the weekend, I like to go shopping with my mother. We buy a lot of things, I choose all kinds of snacks, such as candy, milk, .…〔03-10〕

英语新闻|2014公务员面试:如何仪表举止更得体 How to Behave More Appropriate
  →新闻|The civil service is the government department staff, whose general dress, and appearance are mainly simple, austerity, solemn. Of…〔03-05〕

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