→英语|走后门 pull the string 下海 go into business 下岗 get laid off 万元户 ten- thousand-yuan household 潜规则 hidden rule 农民工 migrant worker 面的 tax…〔08-24〕
→英语|On October 1, I did not go out as usual. Since it was National Day, 60th anniversary of my homeland, like many people, my parents…〔08-24〕
→英语|BP机(寻呼机) Beep Pager 彩电 colored television set 大哥大 GSM mobile telephone 发廊 hair salon 蛤蟆镜 goggles 呼拉圈 hula hoop 婚纱照 wedding photo 喇…〔08-24〕
→英语|Today is National Day.We have no classes. In the morning, I went to the People's Park with my mother.We had a good time. In the af…〔08-24〕
→文化|在墨西哥私人博物馆展示的这些黄金枪 Golden guns displayed in Mexican museum…〔08-23〕
→英语|暑假英语日记:我的mp3丢了 July 9th, 2010 I have stayed in Shanghai alone for a week. It's time for me to go to my real home,it is in Beijing.…〔08-21〕
→英语|暑假英语作文:暑假兼职 This summer vacation I got a part-time job in a snack bar. At the beginning, I couldnt do well at all often made mista…〔08-21〕
→小学|暑假趣事作文:暑假兼职 This summer vacation I got a part-time job in a snack bar. At the beginning, I couldn't do well at all often made mist…〔08-21〕