大学英语|共同进退 Being Fit Together
  →作文|For every girl, they are annoyed by the overweigh problem all the time. Looking at the beautiful models shinning everywhere, who c…〔06-02〕

初中英语|超女哪儿去了 Where Are the Super Girls
  →作文|Many years ago, the sing show Super Girls was very hot. At that time, everyone was talking about it. It was the first time for peo…〔05-31〕

高中英语|最好的时尚 The Best Fashion
  →作文|When summer comes, for girls, it is time to take off the thick clothes and put on the beautiful dress to show their youth. It is s…〔05-25〕

高中英语|女孩爱八卦 Girls Like to Gossip
  →作文|People say that girls like to gossip, and it is true for that. My mother and her friends always talk about the gossip when they st…〔05-23〕

小学英语|烦恼的时刻 The Upset Moments
  →作文|I am a happy girl, I always smile, but sometimes I have something to upset me....…〔05-21〕

大学英语|百万美元之声 Million Dollars Voice
  →作文|When I was very small, I happened to see the show British’s Got Talented. The small girl caught my attention, she sang so we…〔04-25〕

初中英语|女孩也行 Girls Can Do
  →作文|When I was very small, I wanted to do some things as the boys did, then the elder told me that I wouldn’t succeed, because I…〔04-24〕

大学英语|爱生活 爱自己 Love Life,Love Yourself
  →作文|In general, a girl with pretty face must be popular all the time. Everyone believe that a pretty girl will always be the winner. W…〔04-22〕

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