大学英语|网上留学Stay Home to Study Abroad
  →作文|Thanks to the information technology as well as the spirit of free sharing, some famous abroad universities have already put open…〔12-18〕

初中英语|关于电子书的利弊Positive and Negative Aspects of E-books
  →作文|In recent years, electronic books, as a product of information technology, have gained more and more popularity. It is no doubt el…〔12-12〕

小学英语|如果我是变形金刚 if I Were the Transformers
  →作文|If I were the transformers, I must be very happy and excited. I will be the most popular person in my school. It must be a lot of…〔11-20〕

大学英语|怎样处理生活中的压力?(一)How to Handle Stress in Life?(一)
  →作文|We are now live in the world where the fittest will survive. So it seems unlikely that we can avoid the stress form this competiti…〔11-06〕

大学英语|高校该收取更高的学费吗?Should Universities Charge Higher Tuition Fees?
  →作文|Great changes have taken place since the reform and opening policy, especially the rapid growth of economy. The average of Chinese…〔10-30〕

大学英语|怎样处理生活中的压力?How to Handle Stress in life?
  →作文|We are now live in the world where the fittest will survive. So it seems unlikely that we can avoid the stress form this competiti…〔10-21〕

大学英语|校服是否应该取消? Should the School Uniform be Canceled?
  →作文|Nowadays, there is a general discussion about the issue of canceling the school uniform or not. Different people hold different vi…〔10-16〕

大学英语|网络教育  Online Education
  →作文|With the widespread of computer, more and more people tend to use Internet to get information and learn knowledge, especially, man…〔10-10〕

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