初中英语|考试作弊之我见 My View on Cheating in Exam
  →作文|some students do not work hard in usual but they still expect good performance. Therefore, some of them choose to cheat in exams.…〔03-17〕

大学英语|休闲计划 Plan for Free Time
  →作文|When I have free time, I would like get up early to walk in the forest in the morning, because I want to breathe the fresh air. I…〔03-15〕

英语美文|生活本身就是一种礼物(中英版)Life is a Gift
  →美文|Life is a Gift 生活本身就是一种礼物Today before you think of saying an unkind word,今天,在你想出言不遜前,Think of someone who can't speak. 想想那些不能出声的人吧…〔03-13〕

大学英语|增长社会经验 Good to Enhance Our Social Experience
  →作文|Therefore, it is good and wise to enhance our social experience. As college students, we should grasp each chance to exercise ours…〔03-12〕

大学英语|植树节的历史 The History of Tree-planting Day
  →作文|Afforestation can not only make our homes green and beautiful, but also can play a role in expanding forest resources, preventing…〔03-12〕

大学英语|关于聘请外籍教师Hiring Foreign Teachers
  →作文|Hiring foreign teachers in Chinese universities is necessary在中国大学中雇佣外教是否有必要Nowadays, there are more and more foreigners come to Ch…〔03-11〕

高中英语|忙碌的一天(暑假) A Busy Day(Summer Holiday)
  →作文|Now, it’s the middle of summer vacation, but all my homework are left to be done. Therefore, I have to spend most time in st…〔03-06〕

小学英语|周末计划 Plan for Weekend
  →作文|The spring comes and the scenery is beautiful. Therefore, I make plan to enjoy the vernal sunshine and fresh air with my parents..…〔03-02〕

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