大学英语|宠溺孩子的危害  The Dangers of Spoil the Child
  →作文|Nowadays, it is not rare to see that the parents spoil the child, they love the kid by the way they think it’s best for them…〔09-27〕

大学英语|求职面试是必须的吗Is Job Interviewing A Necessary?
  →作文|When it comes to job interview, people’s views vary differently. Some people believe that it is important for us to have an…〔09-24〕

大学英语|爱植物胜过宠物    Plaints Over Pets
  →作文|As a person holds various kinds of interest in life, i have both grown plants and kept pets for quite some time. But not until rec…〔09-24〕

英语新闻|忘了全世界只记得彼此 Only Remember You
  →新闻|The 85 year old grandpa Wang is retired as colonel. He gets married with his 69 year old wife for 50 years with very deep emotion.…〔09-23〕

大学英语|我爱烹饪 I love cooking
  →作文|I have to admit that delicious food not only can satisfy my stomach, but also can let me love cooking. When I eat some very tastef…〔09-23〕

大学英语|更多的时间还是更多的金钱More Free Time or More Money
  →作文|Some people in the rest of life are looking for opportunities. They have plenty of time, but don’t own too much money. So ev…〔09-23〕

  →双语|he fox and the stork Once a fox invited a stork to dinner. He put nothing on the table except some soup in a very shallow dish.…〔09-22〕

大学英语|我们应当给帮带孩子的父母工资吗?Should we pay our parents for their babysitting?
  →作文|It seems so normal that parents will take care of their children’s children in China. We can see a large crowd of grandparen…〔09-22〕

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