大学英语|现代人最重要的技能 The Most Important Skills for Modern People
  →作文|As time passes, the times also progress constantly. Everything is in the tendency of changing. Our living skills are changing, too…〔11-25〕

小学英语|如果我是变形金刚 if I Were the Transformers
  →作文|If I were the transformers, I must be very happy and excited. I will be the most popular person in my school. It must be a lot of…〔11-20〕

英语美文|比尔盖茨的十大人生定律 Ten Rules For Life of Bill Gates
  →美文|Life is not fair, get used to it.生活是不公平的;要去适应它。...…〔11-19〕

初中英语|中学生活 Middle School Life
  →作文|When it comes to middle school life, many people will regard it as busy, enrich and happy. For me, it is. The most obvious factor…〔11-19〕

高中英语|我最喜爱的菜My Favorite Food
  →作文|Food is human’s basic need, yet it differs from culture to culture. Color, aroma and taste have been regarded as the basics…〔11-18〕

大学英语|魔术的秘密该揭穿么?Should the Secrets Behind Magic be Disclosed?
  →作文|With a fascination with magic for centuries, there is a heated debate about the disclosure of magic recently. Some people thirst f…〔11-15〕

大学英语|我对学校内舞弊的看法My View of Cheating on Campus
  →作文|Though it is contemptible to most of the students and forbidden by the university and authority, cheating is far from extinct. Wha…〔11-15〕

英语美文|成为更有爱心的人The More Loving One
  →美文|Looking at the stars, I know quit well抬头仰望点点繁星,我心明如镜,That, for all they care, I can go to hell,尽管它们关怀备至,我却可能走向地狱,...…〔11-13〕

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