小学英语|周星驰电影中的美女 The Beauty in Zhou Xingchi’s Film
  →作文|I love to see Zhou Xingchi’s movie so much, it is so funny, every time I see, I will laugh loudly and forget about all the u…〔02-16〕

高中英语|明媚的午后 Bright Afternoon
  →作文|The cold air has come for a while, I stayed at my house all the time, as there was nothing for me go do, I watched the movies. ...…〔02-11〕

高中英语|保持年轻 Keep Young
  →作文|Today, as the development of the medical, people can slow down their aging. As for the celebrities, they use the developed technol…〔02-10〕

高中英语|长辈之言 The Eldership’s Words
  →作文|Most people get tired of hearing their parents’ words, because their parents have told them the many times before, in the lo…〔02-10〕

高中英语|控制环境污染 Control Environmental Pollution
  →作文|Today, as the development of the technology, people live a much better life than before, the average wage is promoted highly. ...…〔02-07〕

高中英语|一次难忘的旅游 A Trip I Will Never Forget
  →作文|Last year, I went to Guang Zhou in the summer vacation. I felt so excited, it took me about four hours to get there. In the daytim…〔02-03〕

初中英语|自助旅游 Self-help Traveling
  →作文|Today, as our economy develops fast, people live a much better life than before, they start to pay attention the chase fun. When p…〔02-03〕

初中英语|自助餐 The Buffet
  →作文|I like to eat buffet so much, because I can taste so many food at the same time. There are all kinds of fruits, meat and ice cream…〔02-03〕

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