大学英语|更多时间还是更多钱 More Time or More Money
  →作文|Life is full of choices. We have to make our choice for many things. It ranges from what we eat for breakfast to what kind of life…〔12-11〕

大学英语|手机如何改变我们的生活How Does Cellphone Change Our Life
  →作文|We live in a world with high-tech products. Cellphone has been part of our life, it gets updated very fast. Unlike twenty years ag…〔10-30〕

大学英语|早餐的重要性       The Importance of  Breakfast
  →作文|As people are so busy with their work, they go to work directly in the morning without eating breakfast. Some people think not hav…〔08-26〕

大学英语|吃早餐的重要性 The Importance of Having Breakfast
  →作文|Nowadays, a large number of students do not have breakfast everyday since they would like to spend more time making up their sleep…〔08-01〕

大学英语|对快餐的看法  Opinions Towards Fast Food
  →作文|Fast food has flooded in our lives nowadays. Concerning fast food, different people have different attitudes.Some hold that fast f…〔07-26〕

  →双语|ne morning a fox saw a cock.He thought,"This is my breakfast. He came up to the cock and said,"I know you can sing very well.Can…〔07-21〕

初中英语|Breakfast is  important
  →初中|英语作文作文:? Breakfast is important.But not all the students have realized its important.Here is the res…〔06-11〕

大学英语|快餐之我见 My View on Fast Food
  →作文|Fast food becomes more popular now, especially among the teenagers and the children. Why do so many people like fast food?...…〔04-11〕

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