高中英语|To Be a Punctual Person
  →作文|Punctuality is of great importance whenever it is and wherever we are. It’s beneficial to us....…〔12-24〕

高中英语|开卷有益 Reading Is Valuable
  →作文|In my opinion, reading is of great benefit to us. For one thing, reading is a good way to make one more intelligent....…〔12-24〕

小学英语|我喜欢夏天 I Like Summer
  →作文|The summer is coming. I like summer very much. In summer days, I can do a lot of things, such as swimming, eating ice cream, drink…〔12-16〕

高中英语|My Motherland 我的祖国
  →作文|China is my motherland that is a great country. It has a long history of more than five thousand years. It’s one of the Four…〔12-08〕

初中英语|Doomsday 世界末日
  →作文|Because of the fiction movie Farewell Atlantis, the view of doomsday is making a great clamor. Mayans once predicted December 21,…〔12-08〕

初中英语|寒冷潮湿的天气 The Cold Wet Weather
  →作文|In my city, it’s so cold and wet in the winter that makes the winter days much harder to get through. ...…〔12-06〕

高中英语|英语口语考试必要吗?Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?
  →作文| In recent years, spoken English test has become a hot topic among people, especially among students and heated debates are right…〔11-30〕

初中英语|我们应不应该帮助陌生人? Should We Help Strangers?
  →作文|To help others is a traditional virtue of China, but nowadays many people use this advantage to cheat those who help them. It is a…〔11-16〕

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