小学英语|水很重要 Water Is Important
  →作文|We live in the earth, there is water around the surface of the earth, we can’t live without water. We drink water everyday,…〔04-11〕

大学英语|关于晨练的想法Doing Morning Exercises
  →作文| “You can take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink.”However, many university authorities fail to fully…〔11-06〕

高中英语|严禁酒后驾车Drinking, No Driving
  →作文|This year, the most stringent traffic rules are carried out, in order to reduce traffic accidents and improve citizens’ safe…〔02-26〕

小学英语|我喜欢夏天 I Like Summer
  →作文|The summer is coming. I like summer very much. In summer days, I can do a lot of things, such as swimming, eating ice cream, drink…〔12-16〕

小学英语|喝酒 Drinking
  →作文|Now, many people like drinking. They think it’s cool, but I don’t agree with them. ...…〔10-09〕

初中英语|酒桌文化 The Culture of Drinking
  →作文|All in all, drinking is not a bad thing, but we should control ourselves so that we won't be excessive drinking....…〔06-15〕

大学英语|保持水源清洁 Keeping Water Sources Clean
  →作文|Who is willing to drink the polluted water? It can cause us to be ill and even to die. We can't wait for a moment to protect our w…〔12-31〕

英语美文|《让子弹飞》经典台词英文版Let The Bullets Fly
  →美文|1、我以为,酒要一口一口地喝,路要一步一步走,步子迈得太大,会扯着蛋。 I think that wine and a bite to drink, way to go step by step, steps towards too much egg will…〔12-02〕

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