大学英语|女生经济独立 Economic Independency For Girls
  →作文|In the traditional view, when girls get married, they should quit their jobs and be the housewife, taking care of every housework.…〔10-28〕

初中英语|一次愉快的合作  A Happy Cooperation
  →作文|I like teamwork because I can learn from others. Once, I was very shy and did not know how to get along with other students, so ev…〔10-18〕

初中英语|课外阅读 After-class Reading
  →作文|After going to the middle school, I have less time to play outside the school, because I always have a lot of homework to do. Thou…〔10-17〕

初中英语|学生是否该做家务 Shoud Students Do the Housework
  →作文|According to the report that most children in the family don’t have to the housework, because their parents have done all th…〔10-15〕

高中英语|为什么小孩都爱迪士尼 Why Kids Like Disneyland
  →作文|Shanghai Disneyland finally opens to the tourists after so many years’ building. It is the only one in mainland, before its…〔10-08〕

高中英语|成为一个有魅力的人 To Be An Attractive Person
  →作文|Many teenagers believe that chasing the fashion and act in the different way can make them the attractive person. They have the wr…〔10-03〕

小学英语|快乐的结局 The Happy Ending
  →作文|I like to read fairy tales and I have read a lot. In every fairy tale, there will be a good girl and a prince, the good girl alway…〔09-19〕

小学英语|最美的月亮 The Most Beautiful Moon
  →作文|Tonight, after dinner, my father and I take a walk. As it gets dark, I look at the sky, there are a lot of bright stars hanging in…〔09-12〕

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