英语新闻|珠海一幼儿园首开粤语教学 One of the Kindergartens in Zhuhai Start to Teach Cantonese For First
  →新闻|Nowadays, elementary and secondary schools are trying their best to promote Mandarin, while some dialects are pushed aside. In rec…〔02-21〕

高中英语|信函的好处The Advantage of Letter
  →作文|Today is the 21st century, as the highly developed of technology, we facilitate our life with all kinds of newly invented products…〔02-21〕

初中英语|我的烦恼 My Upset
  →作文|I'm a middle school student. I’m upset these days because of my parents. They pay too much attention to my study. I have to…〔02-19〕

小学英语|水污染Water Pollution
  →作文|Today, as the economy develops fast, people can buy what they need, the producers provide them all the new things, so the factory…〔02-19〕

小学英语|我们的约定Our Appointment
  →作文|Yesterday is Mary’s birthday. After class, we walked home together. We talked for a long time and had an appointment. We wou…〔02-18〕

大学英语|如何选择一份职业How To Choose a Job
  →作文|We are living in a fast pace world, we are under great pressure today. It is so important to find a good job, yet, as for everyone…〔02-17〕

英语新闻|《白日焰火》夺柏林金熊奖The Day Fireworks Won the Golden Bear Award
  →新闻|The 64th Berlin Film Festival held the Award ceremony in the morning of February 16th. The Chinese movie 'The Day Fireworks”…〔02-16〕

  →作文|Many people believe that money is the most important thing in life. It seems impossible to live without money in today’s soc…〔02-16〕

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