高中英语|世界环境日 World Environment Day
  →作文|World Environment Day is commemorated each year on June 5th, and started from 1972, which is established by the United Nations Gen…〔06-05〕

高中英语|外卖风靡校园 The Popularity of Take-out Food in School
  →作文|Nowadays, as the more choices for students in the school, some students can’t bear the school’s canteen, they call the…〔06-05〕

小学英语|六一节目 Program for Children’s Day
  →作文|Our school will have a performance at the night of children’s day. And several classmates and I are going to perform a fairy…〔06-01〕

大学英语|世界无烟日 World No Tobacco Day
  →作文|World No Tobacco Day started from April 7th, 1988. In 1989, World Health Organization changed this day into May 31. ...…〔05-30〕

高中英语|邮件诈骗  Email Fraud
  →作文|As the development of technology, today people keep in touch with each other not only by cell phone, but also through email. ...…〔05-30〕

初中英语|如何挑选电脑? How to Pick Computer?
  →作文|Computer is more and more common in our life. Buying a computer is something happens every day. How to pick? Is it the more expens…〔05-30〕

高中英语|文化误读 Culture Misunderstanding
  →作文|Nowadays, if you search the Internet, you may find the weird situation that people say they are rich not because they own a lot of…〔05-29〕

大学英语|我看《我是歌手》My Opinion Towards I AM A SINGER
  →作文|Nowadays, there are an increasing number of singing competitions and talent shows on TV, making lots of people dazzled. ...…〔05-27〕

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