小学英语|奥运会来了 The Coming of Olympic Games
  →作文|My father likes to watch all kinds of sports, so when I spend the time with him, we watch the match together. The Summer Olympic G…〔07-22〕

高中英语|黄金周来了 The Golden Week Is Coming
  →作文|When May comes, it means the golden week is coming. People will have a public holiday for three days’ off. Since the vacatio…〔06-06〕

高中英语|琼恩雪诺回来了 Jon Snow Is Coming Back
  →作文|The American TV series Game of Thrones is the hottest one around the world. In its last season, the director left the fans a great…〔06-06〕

大学英语|人与环境 People and the Environmen
  →作文|As the technology and economic is developing, the environment problem is becoming a severe problem, and the people are seriously a…〔05-29〕

小学英语|春天来了The Spring Is Coming
  →作文|I realize the spring is coming and I am so happy about that, for I like spring.我意识到春天来了,我很高兴,因为我喜欢春天。...…〔03-29〕

大学英语|成为一个专才还是通才To Become a Specialist or a Generalist
  →作文|becoming a specialist means we master a skill, but becoming a generalist can complete a person and help him to be a better one. ..…〔03-16〕

高中英语|你会帮助跌倒老人吗?Will You Help the Elderly Who Fell?
  →作文|It seems like a silly question, anyone in sane would give a hand to the elderly who fell. But in China, this question is becoming…〔02-27〕

初中英语|克服社交恐惧症Overcoming Social Phobia
  →作文|We live in a world that surrounded by people, we need to communicate with others, for the purpose of share our emotions and keep s…〔02-15〕

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