大学英语|真人版斗鸡 Live-action cockfighting
  →作文|Recently, a wrestle game has been in the limelight, because it is a kid wrestle. Lots of children had sent to the training center…〔11-21〕

大学英语|用正确的方式关爱孩子Care for Children in a Right Way
  →作文|Recently, Hunan TV station play varieties show “Dad where we go” and the show has caused great sensation from public.…〔10-23〕

大学英语|小孩是否应该在年幼时学习英语?Should Children Learn English in a Young Age?
  →作文|With the increasing of social competition, people pay more and more attention on the young generation. Especially their parents wi…〔10-15〕

大学英语|我们应当给帮带孩子的父母工资吗?Should we pay our parents for their babysitting?
  →作文|It seems so normal that parents will take care of their children’s children in China. We can see a large crowd of grandparen…〔09-22〕

大学英语| 父母应不应该替孩子买房Should Parents Buy Apartments for Children?
  →作文|In recent years, Chinese housing prices become higher and higher, whether own a room, has become a standard of measuring one's fin…〔09-18〕

大学英语|过度关爱对孩子不利Too Much Care Can be Harmful to Children
  →作文|Nowadays, in China, more and more family only have one child because of the one child policy. Parents are taking more attention to…〔09-06〕

大学英语|电视对儿童的不良影响The Negative Effect of Television on Children
  →作文|Nowadays, TV has spread to every corner of our life. Most children watch TV after school, on the weekend and in holiday. While the…〔09-06〕

大学英语|最好的入学年龄  The Best Age of Entrance School
  →作文|Some children go to school at the age of four, why is that? It is not a matter of the-earlier-the-better when we discuss at what a…〔09-05〕

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