英语新闻|3名体罚孩子的教职工被停职 Three staffs was Suspended for Physical Punishment to Children
  →新闻|The reporters learned from the Harbour District, Qin City Education Bureau that the three staffs who involved in physical punishme…〔03-28〕

小学英语|改变自己 Change Myself
  →作文|Two years ago, I was a bad child, I didn’t listen to what my parents told me, I do against what they expect me to do. One da…〔03-27〕

大学英语|该给孩子物质奖励么?Should We Give Children Material Rewards?
  →作文|With the improvement of material life level, more and more parents are tending to give their children material rewards. For instan…〔03-24〕

大学英语|我们该鼓励农村孩子上大学么?Should We Encourage Rural Children to go to University?
  →作文|Recently, an opinion from a representative of NPC &CPPCC has aroused a heated discussion all over the country. He said we shou…〔03-17〕

初中英语|充实而有意义的一天 A Rich and Meaningful Day
  →作文|Today, I had a rich and meaningful day. My mother opened a bakery. She was very kind-hearted. She promised the children in the orp…〔03-12〕

小学英语|笑话促进交流Playing Jokes Promotes Communication
  →作文|As a child, we have many friends, we like to play jokes with our friends, sometimes it can promote communication. Like when we are…〔03-12〕

初中英语|约定餐厅 Appointment Restaurant
  →作文|In past few years, our family likes to go the Appointment Restaurant for dinner now and then. As a child, I don’t think the…〔02-25〕

英语新闻|公务员孩子压岁钱的真实与误解The Truth and Misunderstand of Public Servant’s Children’s Lucky Money
  →新闻|Media survey Beijing 90 children age ranging 10 to 13 years old, discovering that children received 4867 Yuan lucky money for aver…〔02-11〕

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