大学英语|关于家长送孩子参加培训班  On Parents Sending Kids to Training Classes
  →作文|It is quite common phenomenon that many parents will bring their children to all kinds of classes as long as their children have w…〔08-16〕

大学英语|论孩子们对电脑游戏上瘾On Children’s Addicting to Computer Games
  →作文|As computers are available in our daily life, an increasing number of children are playing computer games quite often. This phenom…〔08-08〕

大学英语|关注留守儿童 Show More Concern About the Leftover Children
  →作文|Leftover children have become a heavy topic nowadays because most parents of these children consider that to feed their children w…〔08-08〕

大学英语|留守儿童出现的原因  The Reasons for the Occurrence of “Leftover Children”
  →作文|In recent years, more and more leftover children have been brought into the public and aroused more and more people’s attent…〔08-06〕

大学英语|找工作中英语的重要性The Importance of English in Job Hunting
  →作文|It is well-known that learning English is definitely important, which was told when we were children.However, here I would like to…〔08-01〕

大学英语|  祖父母 & 孙儿   Grandparents and Grandchildren
  →作文|It is reported that about 70% of people will leave their children to their parents to raise because they are so busy with their wo…〔07-31〕

初中英语|我的未来My Future
  →作文|I think I will be a teacher in the future, because I like to stay with children. I'll live in shanghai because I went to shanghai…〔07-29〕

大学英语|送学生到国外读书好不好  Is It Good to Send Students to Study Abroad?
  →作文|In recent year, as people’s living quality increase, most families are tending to send their children to study abroad. This…〔07-25〕

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