当代→|Dr. Nieca Goldberg, a spokeswoman for the American Heart Association, says Levine’s findings are a great start…〔04-29〕
外国→|Is it possible to like everyone in your office? Think about how tough it is to get together 15 people, much less 50, who all get along perfectly. But unlike in frie…〔09-12〕
外国→|It is true that CEO pay has gone up—top ones may make 300 times the pay of typical workers on average, and since the mid-1970s, CEO pay for large publicly traded Am…〔09-12〕
外国→|American farmers have been complaining of labor shortages for several years. The complaints are unlikely to stop without an overhaul of immigration rules for farm w…〔08-05〕
外国→|Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations.…〔08-05〕
→原创|道歉信一般是在因过失或疏忽做错了事,给别人带来了麻烦或损失,发觉后要立即写信给对方赔礼道歉,这是一种礼貌。道歉信要写得坦率,诚恳。Suppose that Sarah, a friend of yours, has invited you to her birthday party, but you cannot go for…〔04-21〕
→|龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞!…表妹。watch sister.…美中不足。…心花怒放。…American Chinese no tenough.…Heart flower angry open.…〔04-17〕
→英语|英语四六级考试写作句型常用100句:你永远不能拥有太多的天空。你可以在天空下睡去,醒来又沉醉。在你忧伤的时候,天空会给你安慰。可是忧伤太多,天空不够,蝴蝶不够,花儿也不够。大多美好的东西都不够。于是,我们去我们所能,好好的享用。You can never have too much sky. You can fall asle…〔06-14〕