小学英语|我的白色情人节 My White Day
  →作文|Yesterday, I asked my mother to buy me some candies. It was my favorite white rabbit rolls. When my mother bought it for me, I ate…〔12-06〕

英语新闻|习近平:一定把地震灾区学校建得更坚固Xi Jinping: Must Have Built More Solidly Quake-hit Schools
  →新闻|According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping, who is the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President, and Chairman of…〔12-05〕

大学英语|名人能作为社会的榜样吗? Should Celebrities be Role Models for Society?
  →作文|At present, the Olympic champion swimmer Sun Yang buy driver’s license have aroused public’s attention, most netters t…〔12-03〕

小学英语|关于学习英语Learning English
  →作文|Learning English is a hard but meaningful thing. I had access to English when I was seven years old. I was taught to study words f…〔12-03〕

大学英语|科技在创造单一文化世界吗?Is Modern Technology Creating a Single World Culture?
  →作文|The advent of modern technology brings a substantial impact on the whole world. It not only boosts the economy, but also changes t…〔11-29〕

高中英语|在学校我最喜欢的地方My Favorite Place at School
  →作文|There are many funny places in our school. For example, the football playground, the classroom, the experiment room. But my favori…〔11-28〕

大学英语|传统中医Traditional Chinese Medicine
  →作文|Traditional Chinese Medicine is an indispensable part of Chinese culture. It has made great contributions to the prosperity of Chi…〔11-27〕

大学英语|梦想和现实Dream and Reality
  →作文|When we are children, there are lots of people ask about our dreams, and our answers most are doctors, policemen, teachers etc. Bu…〔11-25〕

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