初中英语|成长之路The Road to Grow Up
  →作文|Before I was five years old, my parents gave me what I wanted, but as I became bigger, they changed their attitude towards me. My…〔02-14〕

初中英语|关于自助餐 About Buffet

高中英语|决心和行动Ambition and Action
  →作文|For the young people, it is very important to have ambition, they need the motivation to move on. But most of them are just talkin…〔02-11〕

大学英语|失败是一件坏事吗?Is Failure a Bad Thing?
  →作文|Everybody will meet all kinds of difficulties during their lives, of course, they are willing to accept success, but the fact is t…〔02-05〕

小学英语|My Favorite Book 我最喜欢的书
  →作文|Since I see the movie Harry Potter, I like it very much, I am very impressed by the magical world, so I decide to buy the book. Th…〔02-05〕

初中英语|男生和女生的思维方式 The Way of Thinking Between Boys and Girls
  →作文|Last night, I saw an interesting movie, it told about a boy and a girl who were at the same age, but the way they thought was so d…〔01-26〕

初中英语|《破产姐妹》精神 The Spirit of Two Broke Girls
  →作文|I like to see American TV series so much, because not only the plot attracts me so much, but also I can learn the English spoken l…〔01-20〕

小学英语|做正确的事情 Do the Right Thing
  →作文|Once, I stole my mother’s money, because I wanted to buy the snack so much and I happened to see my mother’s wallet on the desk, s…〔01-12〕

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