大学英语|住处的选择Choosing Living Place
  →作文|Living place is essential to people’s life. However, when asked the question what is the better place do you want to live, d…〔07-19〕

初中英语|什么是成功 What is Success?
  →作文|What is the definition of success? I believe different people will have different opinions about it. If anyone asks me what is suc…〔07-18〕

大学英语|提高大学生出勤率 Increase Attendence Rate in College
  →作文|Low attendance rate has been a big problem among colleges and universities. To avoid this problem and finish their teaching tasks,…〔06-05〕

初中英语|我的偶像姚明 Yao Ming
  →作文|Yao Ming is a famous Chinese baskeball player. He is so excellent that he joined in NBA when he was 22 years old. He is the proud…〔05-14〕

大学英语|戏剧表演 Dramatic Performance
  →作文|This morning I played a drama in my Comprehension English Class. Tim who is my teacher asked us to play a drama several weeks ago.…〔04-20〕

高中英语|我最快乐的时候 My Happiest Time
  →作文|If you ask me something about my happiest time, I'll answer like this.I don't know exactly about my happiest time. Because every d…〔04-12〕

英语美文|风中之烛 Candle in the Wind
  →美文|Would you smile, if I asked you to smile?Would you dance, if I asked you to dance?...…〔04-10〕

大学英语|教育为什么如此之重要?Why Education is Important?
  →作文|When asked about why education is important, different people hold different attitude. Some people think education is a social phe…〔03-21〕

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