初中英语|不要轻易改变自己 Do Not Lose Yourself Easily
  →作文|No one is perfect. No matter how excellent a person is, he will have disadvantages. And sometimes people will point out your so ca…〔04-11〕

英语美文|鼓励女孩的十句话 Ten Words to Encourage Girls
  →美文|Every woman is a treasure but way too often we forget how precious they are. We get lost in daily chores and stinky diapers, in wo…〔04-07〕

大学英语|网上学习的好处The Advantages of Online-learning
  当代→作文|As the fast development of the technology, people use computer every day, it has become part of their life. With computer, people…〔04-07〕

大学英语|向年龄说“不” Say No to the Age
  →作文|As the new year close, it is a big new for Chinese tennis fans that Li Na comes to the final of Australian Open! It is the third t…〔04-07〕

大学英语|愚人节The April Fool’s Day
  →作文|The April fool’s day is coming. The people, especially the teenagers, are quite excited about the jokes they are going to ma…〔04-01〕

高中英语|团购的坏处 The Disadvantages of Group Purchase
  →作文|Since the computer comes into being, it develops so fast, today, we can do many things in the computer, such as make friends, chec…〔04-01〕

大学英语|退休年龄之我见 My View on Retiring Age
  →作文|?In China, there is law to set the specific retiring age for women and men. Female can retire at the age of 55; while male have to…〔03-31〕

初中英语| 了解社会的最好方法 The Best Way to Know About the Society
  →作文|Society is a cycle that everyone needs to enter into when people reach a certain age. But before we are in it, how can we know abo…〔03-26〕

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