高中英语|老龄化现象The Aging Phenomenon
  →作文|The Family Plan has been adopted for several years, most of the young generation are only child because their parents follow the g…〔11-01〕

大学英语|现代夸父 Kua Fu in the Modern Society
  →作文|I believe that every Chinese people are familiar with the story of Kua Fu, it says a braggadocio who miscalculating his strength,…〔10-31〕

大学英语|高校该收取更高的学费吗?Should Universities Charge Higher Tuition Fees?
  →作文|Great changes have taken place since the reform and opening policy, especially the rapid growth of economy. The average of Chinese…〔10-30〕

大学英语|手机如何改变我们的生活How Does Cellphone Change Our Life
  →作文|We live in a world with high-tech products. Cellphone has been part of our life, it gets updated very fast. Unlike twenty years ag…〔10-30〕

大学英语|自助游还是跟团游 DIY Tour or Package Tour?
  →作文|Travelling in vacation has become the mainstream for people to release their work pressure. When it comes to travel, different peo…〔10-29〕

大学英语|在学习英语中泛读的重要性The Importance of Extensive Reading in Learning English
  →作文|English language has become an international language, because it is used by people in the most countries in the world now.For Eng…〔10-22〕

大学英语|房奴  Home Mortgage Slave
  →作文|Nowadays, it is not strange to see a young people who become a mortgage slave, since Chinese people have made an agreement that ge…〔10-21〕

大学英语|我们需要搬到城市吗  Should We Move to the City
  →作文|With the widespread development of city, more and more people have high desire to live in the city rather than stay at the village…〔10-18〕

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