大学英语|学生评价老师 Students’ Evaluation of Teachers
  →作文|Many years ago, there is no way for students to evaluate teachers, for people treat the teachers in a high level, students are in…〔06-03〕

大学英语|剽窃是可耻的 The Shame of Plagiarism
  →作文|In order to get high marks, some students figure out all the ways, the worse situation is to plagiarize other student’s hard…〔05-29〕

大学英语|裸婚合适吗? Is Naked Marriage Suitable?
  →作文|What is the basis of a successful marriage? Is it the love or lifelong commitment between two people? ...…〔05-23〕

初中英语|英语的好处The Good Side of English
  →作文|As the world gets globalized, English has become a worldwide language, in China, English is a subject for students to learn. The r…〔05-22〕

大学英语|以学生为中心课堂的好处The Advantages of Student-centered Class
  →作文|In the past, the majority of classes are teacher-centered, which means teachers talk all the time, students are just listeners. ..…〔05-21〕

高中英语|关于青春和年龄 About Youth and Age
  →作文|This year, there are many movies about in honor of people’s fading youth, the movies are very popular by the audience. Sudde…〔05-15〕

大学英语|迎接新挑战 Embracing New Challenges
  →作文|People always talk about age, because age reflects their state of mind, which is something universal despite different family. ...…〔05-14〕

大学英语|抵制黄色网站 Boycott the Pornography Websites
  →作文|As the development of the Internet, people have access to all kinds of message, on the one hand, people make use of the message to…〔05-13〕

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