→作文|On yesterday afternoon,Mrs He left home to go shopping.Halfway down the stairs,she found her way blocked by two men,who were armed…〔01-28〕
→作文|Last night I had a dream. I met an old friend of mine, Xiao Qing. She was a good girl. She told me her stories about herself. She…〔01-28〕
→作文|My second-grade French teacher ruined my first experience learning a new language.At first we were only expected to master simple…〔01-28〕
→范文|Two year ago,the Chinese government set out a plan to build the Asian Olympic Center of Beijing to welcome the Eleventh Asian Game…〔01-27〕
→作文|Some ten years ago,the clothes the Chinese people wore were simple and monotonous.Men used to wear blue and gray tunics and trouse…〔01-27〕
→J2EE|一、jsp连接Sql Server7.0/2000数据库testsqlserver.jsp如下: %@ page contentType="text/html;charset=gb2312"% %@ page import="java.s……〔01-24〕
→作文|Every day, people have lots of waste to throw away. Such as used handkerchiefs, plastic bags, boxes, bottles and so on. I cannot i…〔01-22〕
→美文|Nowadays, we can often hear the discussion whether buying cars should be encouraged. Some people suggest that we should buy cars.…〔01-19〕