大学英语|大学生开公司 Having a Company before Graduation
  →作文|In short, I do not advocate students have a company before graduation, especially with the help of their relationships. But I appr…〔03-27〕

高中英语|走出迷雾 Out of the Mist
  →作文|John has lived in London for a few years, but he isn't so familiar with that city, because he seldom goes out. ...…〔03-26〕

初中英语|伦敦名胜 Some Great Wonders in London
  →作文|London, the capital of B is a famous city with a long history and colorful cultures. There are some great wonders in London....…〔03-26〕

大学英语|西部支教 Volunteer Teaching in the West
  →作文|With the process of the Western Development, a growing number of students are volunteered to be a teacher in western area. In my p…〔03-24〕

初中英语|家乡的变化 Changes in My Hometown
  →作文|While in recent years, with the development of society, my hometown has been greatly changed....…〔03-22〕

初中英语|学校生活 My School Life
  →作文|My school life is very common. I get up at six o’clock every morning from Monday to Friday. And the I would go running with…〔03-21〕

大学英语|谈谈教育的重要性 The Importance of Education
  →作文|With the development of today's technology, education becomes more important than before because people need to learn more to adap…〔03-19〕

高中英语|什么是快乐? What Is Happiness?
  →作文|Many people believe that having a lot of money is the greatest happiness in life. But I don't agree with them, because money is no…〔03-19〕

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